Monday, May 11, 2009

Season Finale

Why must all good things come to an end? Without realizing, this is the last blogpost for ES2007s. Returning to my first post, I still agree with my understanding of the value of effective communication skills. However, my understanding for it has deepened as the class progressed.

My initial understanding of the value of effective communication was restricted to verbal conversations. However, I had an insight to the different forms of effective communication like verbal, non verbal, 7Cs of writing and in different cultures. Being able to appreciate the different cultures and background of people, it has trained me to look at things from different perspectives and in a bigger picture. Also, I realized that it is important for both parties to practice effective communication in order for it to take place, just like what Qi Ying mentioned in her first post, ‘Do not assume that the other party knows exactly what you are thinking, else, you will make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’. I’ll always remember that! It takes both hands to clap.

Throughout this module, I have learnt to build up my confidence in speaking (at least when seated) in front of the class, sharing with each other my views, opinions and experiences. I have also learnt skills that are essential when working in groups, respecting team members and compromising each other when our ideas do not agree. I think that such skills are essential in the working environment.

As Mathematics major, I do not practicing writing often. However, with blogging as part of our assessment, I was ‘forced’ to write almost weekly, where I am assigned to a particular topic to comment on. I had no choice but to make do with my limited vocabulary and expression problem. Yet, after completing 7 blogpost, I agree with the statement that ‘Practice makes perfect.” though I am still far from perfection. I was more confident in expressing myself with all the practice and through posting and exchanging conversations, I got to understand my fellow classmates better, which promotes effective communication!

Despite the heavy workload, I really enjoyed myself in class. ES has equipped me with skills that are practical and essential in the working life, skills that other modules will never be able to enlighten me with. Now, it is time for me to turn these skills into assets and apply these valuable skills when I set foot into the working society in just a matter of a few months.

Looking back, ES was not the module that I intended to take. However, given the skills that I have learnt, if given another chance, I will definitely choose to read ES2007s again and with no regrets! In fact, I am glad that I made the decision to take ES instead. I hope everyone shares the same sentiments as me and I would like to say a great big thanks to Brad and all my fellow classmates who have made ES a wonderful and memorable experience.

Wishing everyone the best in your future endeavors! Cheers!